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Dr. Mark Gleason

Dr. Mark Gleason

  • Professor Emeritus
Fruit and vegetable research
My lab specializes in research on three major fruit and vegetable crop diseases: bacterial wilt of cucurbits, sooty blotch and flyspeck of apples, and anthracnose fruit rot of strawberries. Scope of our research ranges from pathogen detection to sustainable disease management tactics, disease epidemiology, pathogen genetics, evolutionary biology, and functional genomics.

I teach a broad range of courses from Integrated Pest Management of turfgrasses to ecologically based pest management, tropical agriculture, disease management, research ethics, and professional speaking skills.

Contact Info

3201 Adv Tch Res Bd
2213 Pammel Dr.
Social Media and Websites


  • B.S., Biology, Carleton College, 1972
  • M.S., Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, 1976
  • PhD, Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, 1980
  • PhD, Plant Pathology, University of Kentucky, 1985